Table of Contents
That Porter Person George Sidney Porter Georgie Peorgie Editor Hodgson Says: Forty Years High Lights and Shadows The Silent Booster With the Silent Workers A Monument to Porter The Man-in-the-Hole-in-the-Wall The Man Who Showed the Way Porter as I Knew Him Then Early Impressions of Georgie A Pioneer in Photo-Engraving The Modest Porter A Slight Tribute From One Friend to Another A Harrowiing Experience With Porter Sic Vos Non Nobis And He Did My Tribute to George Porter The Worker A Mirror of Porter Serves Him Right A Captain of Industry Editorials Known Porter for Forty Years The "Lino" Mechanic's Estimation of His Boss "Let George Do It" A Carrier of Many Burdens The School News Adds its Tribute Still Lovers Porter's Stenog Says Pop's Printing Office Assistants Kite Carnival Was Spectacular Resolutions of Condolence Knights and Ladies of De l'Epee A New Comer's Comment Some of Porter's Pupils Nadio Angelenograms To Denver and Return by Auto Thoughtful Veritas Of Interest to the Housewife The Deaf World
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New Jersey School for the Deaf
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Anderson, Thomas L.; Fox, Thomas Francis; Sanders, Lucy M.; Hodgson, Edwin Allan; Frankenheim, Samuel; Crutcher, Henry P.; McFarlane, John H.; Pach, Alexander L.; Cook, Wallace; McClure, George M.; Sweeney, Miles; Hansen, Hans P.; Ballin, Albert V.; Tilden, Douglas; Gibson, Francis P.; Terry, Alice T.; Beadell, William W.; Smith, James Lewis; Alexander, Jacques; and Hill, Troy E., "The Silent Worker vol. 40 no. 10 July 1928" (1928). 1921-1929. 78.