Table of Contents
Golden Anniversary Celebration A. Correction Fernand Hamar, Sculptor Bronx Division Number 92 N.F.S.D. The Lutheran Guild of Brooklyn, N.Y. With the Silent Workers Another Victory Convention Announcement Is There a Remedy The Deaf World Make - Up Man Oakland, California Tis Serious to be Funny An Artificial Throat Restores this man's speech Deaf Persons of Note A Brief Sketch of Mrs. Grace Dudley Davis The Long Horns The Beethoven Centenary Windy City Observations The Code - A Reply Edward Miner Gallaudet Memorial Fund How the Day was Won! New Jersey State Branch of the N.A.D. Committee on Motor Legislation These Freak Laws Deaf Physicist Devoting Life to Radium Studies What Education Has done for the Deaf Beauty is Health Deep Totally Deep Inventor Listens in with Fingers Letters from our Humorist Angelenograms
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New Jersey School for the Deaf
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Nelson, Gertrude E.M.; Stevens, Kelly H.; Lazer, Albert; Pach, Alexander L.; Jones, John W.; Williams, Blanche W.; Sterck, Emily; Gotthelf, John Farmer; Hill, Troy E.; Gray, Thomas O.; Murphy, Kenneth; Hamrick, Thomas W. Jr.; Cole, Elizabeth; Crutcher, Henry P.; Barrett, Augusta K.; Albert, Tommy; and Whitehead, Kate, "The Silent Worker vol. 39 no. 9 June 1927" (1927). 1921-1929. 67.