Table of Contents

A New Novel Wheeling to Nyack Characteristics of the Deaf We were pleased with.... Education of the Deaf Previous to the Middle of the 19th Century The works of fourteen deaf artists.... The Manchester (England) School for the Deaf An Open Letter to Dr. Butler Elected Mayor In Oliver Optic's "On the Blockade" The Garden You have seen a row.... The Illinois School at... The proposition to establish... The Michigan Mirror, as every one.... Professor Dwight L. Elmendorf... Semi-Mutes The Deaf of New York Jersey City and Newark Notes A Call for May 30 Chess Mr. A.L. Pach.... Mr. George D. Kinsey School-Room The Late Rev. John Kinghan Dr. William W.L. Phillips... Local News Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Henry Haight... Amateur and Professional Photographers The Rev. Dr. Gallaudet

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New Jersey School for the Deaf

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