Table of Contents
The Circus Pennsylvania's New Building Halifax for 1890 Deaf and Dumb Stock Company West Virginia's Report Took an Excursion An Artistic Portrait We print this month... From an entertaining book... Professor Denison, of the... Relics of Early Days Deaf-Mute Child Thief Comparisons are Odious, but- Anecdotes of the Deaf Not Prodigies "The Same Old Story" We are indebted to... Another deaf-mute ball player... Deaf-Mutes Victorious Teachers' Meeting A Shy Visitor From California Contributed by Pupils
Document Type
Publication Title
New Jersey School for the Deaf
Publication Date
Recommended Citation
Neiderman, Paul and Manning, Edward, "The Silent Worker vol. 4 no. 32 May 28, 1891" (1891). 1891-1900. 3.