Table of Contents
A $100 Check to be Forwarded Paul Kees to Leave School Mrs. Gen. Duncan Will Attend the Convention Elected Chairman Contributed by Pupils Honorable Mention All the Way From New York Deaf-Mute Exhibitors at the Salon of 1890 From the Nebraska Institution The Society News Mr. Porter's Visit Twelfth Convention We really must allude... The fair in aid... Our base-ball club shows... The Deaf-Mute Journal... Where Silence Reigns Here and There The close of the term... Memorial Day School Happenings
Document Type
Publication Title
New Jersey School for the Deaf
Publication Date
Recommended Citation
Gorman, Michael J.; Burdsall, Raymond; and Cook, Wallace, "The Silent Worker vol. 3 no. 24 June 19, 1890" (1890). 1888-1890. 20.