Table of Contents
Another Deaf-Mute to the Front General Donnelly's Gift To Have Electric Lights The Sign Language A Memorial Proposed Rescued From a Pond Doctor Marigold A Deaf and Dumb Sculptor A circle of the King's... The funeral services of... The school is now... We are sorry to... Our holiday recess... Whiskey Causes Death Calendar for 1890 Contributed by the Pupils Our Great Misfortune "Gentlemen's Corner" Invented by a Deaf-Mute New way to Make a Living To be Attracted by Electricity Sentence Suspended "The National Game" Sold Taught To Make Mathematical Instruments Mr. Hodgson Lectures Three New Ones Sketch of Abbe de l'Epee Parisians Great Drinkers Restored to Health
Document Type
Publication Title
New Jersey School for the Deaf
Publication Date
Recommended Citation
Worth, James; Neiderman, Paul; King, Alfred; Purcell, Francis J.; and Hummer, Charles, "The Silent Worker vol. 3 no. 20 January 30, 1890" (1890). 1888-1890. 16.