Table of Contents
Not Subject to Sea-Sickness Our school opened on... Ray Burdsall has put... The term opens this... We go to press... Thomas H. Gallaudet Earned Pocket-Money Physical Training: Our Colleges Introducing Gymnastics Into Their Regular Courses Where They Summered Contributed by Pupils: Matters Interesting to Them Written for the Silent Worker About the Deaf: What is Happening Among Them British Commission's Report Stray Items The Dispensary Well Stocked Died in China A Touching Sight The addition to our... The Gallaudet Statue Our boys seem to... One of the objects... Miss Hall Makes a Change Good Workmen An Old Photograph A Gift to the School A Good Portrait The Inter-State Fair: Our School to Exhibit the Work of its Pupils A New Room Made Another box of illustrated... The establishment by the... A Curious Woman: The Deaf and Dumb Skipper and Her Cat and Dog Crew A Deaf Mute Marvel Texas Gives Warning
Document Type
Publication Title
New Jersey School for the Deaf
Publication Date
Recommended Citation
Glyndon, Howard; Rigg, George; Bradley, Martha; Nutt, Frank; Ward, John; Ehrlich, Catharine; Doremus, May; Burdsall, Raymond; and King, Alfred, "The Silent Worker vol. 3 no. 16 September 26, 1889" (1889). 1888-1890. 12.