Table of Contents
Mr. Ballin Pays us a Visit Dr. Barnard's Death: Our Cause Loses a Good Educator and Friend Mr. Beable's Visit Our superintendent is anxious... One of our needs... No shoes bought for... Our printers are becoming... Some of our cabinet... Mr. Gaffney, the instructor... The Victory of the Vanquished Another Ball Player "Dante's Divine Comedy" How We Celebrated: An Appropriate Programme Arranged for the Occasion Printing Office Our Young Reporters: What They Have to Write About This Month Dr. Fay, the editor... We regret to learn... Centennial Celebraters The present school term... Miss Flynn's class in... It is proposed to... An Offer of Employment How They Celebrated: The Home for Aged and Infirm Deaf-Mutes' Appropriate Programme A Grand Picnic Sixty Confirmed May Success be His Camped Out How About This Ordained a Deacon Good Enough The Texas Mute Ranger... A Narrow Escape Other Institutions: What is Happening in the Various Institutions
Document Type
Publication Title
New Jersey School for the Deaf
Publication Date
Recommended Citation
Gaskill, Wesley; Erdman, Richard; Tonneau, Plein; and Hemphill, Julia, "The Silent Worker vol. 2 no. 14 May 23, 1889" (1889). 1888-1890. 10.