Date of Award

Spring 5-13-2022

Document Type


First Advisor

Raja Kushalnagar

Second Advisor

Christian Vogler

Third Advisor

Julie Hochgesang


The goal of this capstone is to improve the experiences of Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals who use teleconferencing tools through the use of sign language detection software. Popular teleconferencing applications such as Zoom and Google Meet contain features that can automatically spotlight users when they are speaking, but there is currently no equivalent feature for those who used signed languages to communicate on these platforms. Such a feature would need to utilize a sign language detection program to spotlight individuals, but this technology is early in development and is not currently available for large-scale implementation. This capstone strives to improve the functionality of existing sign language detection programs by testing both their performance and user interface and identifying areas of future growth so that they can be implemented in teleconferencing software and better meet the accessibility needs of the deaf and hard of hearing community.



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