Date of Award

Spring 5-15-2020

Document Type


First Advisor

Qi Wang

Second Advisor

Makur Aciek

Third Advisor

Raja Kushalnagar


It is an extremely exciting time for the accounting profession in terms of possibility. Many emerging technologies and innovations are set to disrupt our current paradigm. With new technology, our roles and responsibilities will shift. Some speculate certain technologies, such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, will result in the obsolescence of the accounting career. While it is true the field we know today will change, it will not dissolve completely. The dissemination of pertinent information about these changes must be extensive, timely, and accessible so accounting firms and professionals can adapt to the changes to stay relevant. My project consists of intense research into one emerging technology, blockchain, and the implications it poses for accounting and information technology professionals. The result of this research is, a user-friendly website devoted to emerging technology for accountants, linked to a social media platform, both of which I designed and maintain. I research, write, and post articles intended for accounting professionals and CPAs to gain a better understanding of emerging technologies. In addition, I interview different professionals and gain insight into their beliefs and expectations regarding diverse, relevant technologies. My research, interviews, articles, and discussions have allowed me immense insight into emerging technology, specifically blockchain, while also providing me a platform to facilitate networking opportunities and showcase my passions in the accounting profession.

Included in

Economics Commons



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