Date of Award

Spring 5-17-2019

Document Type


First Advisor

Mohammad Obiedat

Second Advisor

Joshua P. Schneider

Third Advisor

Emily Meehan


This capstone will focus on the implementation of cryptography in information security. The implementation can be achieved by studying different cryptosystems that will be secured using group based mathematics. Group based cryptosystems are preferable because research shows that group based cryptosystems are computationally infeasible. Understanding group based mathematics and its implementation in cryptography will allow us to better study the NTRU (Nth Truncated Ring Unit) cryptosystem with previous knowledge of group based cryptosystems. Although this cryptosystem is still very new, two sections of NTRU cryptosystem will be implemented in information security. The selected sections are: Multiplication of Polynomials modulo p and the Inverse of a Polynomial modulo p. Those sections have been selected because they provide valuable information about the NTRU cryptosystem's security and is not readily available. After conducting several mathematical analyses, one algorithm (multiplication of polynomials modulo p) was developed and then implemented into a code in Python. The second algorithm was not developed due to the limitations of Python, which can be resolved through finding a programming language that is better suited to handle polynomials and other mathematical operations.



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