Date of Award

Summer 6-11-2013

Document Type


First Advisor

Allison Polk

Second Advisor

Pia Borsheim


Moving beyond the author’s identity once forged in the family and social expectations of his childhood, a twenty-­‐one year old author weaves a memoir with creative twists that revolves around the theme of coming of age, particularly acceptance of self. Using the second person point of view, the memoir beguiles readers to make the story theirs as well. The preface narrates reasons for composing a memoir, elaborating on how simple, everyday stories become important in creating cohesiveness among different stages of change and growth. The afterword analyzes literary influences that contributed to the author’s style of creative non-fiction and discusses themes, subtexts, symbolism, and foils that express perspective changes. Ultimately, the purpose of the memoir is to portray an exciting work in progress.

Included in

Nonfiction Commons



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