Date of Award


Document Type


First Advisor

Todd Bonheyo

Second Advisor

Brendan Stern


In the study of the US deaf community, a noticeable gap is evident in the absence of an accessible map that presents current data about the community. This project takes an American perspective, embracing the term “Deaf America” as a framework that highlights the unique social network, geographic nuances, and sensory experiences of the deaf community in the United States. These elements are crucial to understanding the extensive network of the deaf community in the US. However, there is a lack of quality visual representations of these elements. This project seeks to bridge this gap by collecting data and leveraging the capabilities of ArcGIS to create a living document that reflects Deaf America and ensures the document is accessible to all. ArcGIS is a data management system and a powerful geospatial visualization software that allows spatial data analysis, map creation, and uncovering insights. The project’s accessible map is designed to serve both the general public and researchers, connecting multiple concepts relevant to the study of the US deaf community. By visually representing lived experiences, locations, and statistics, this project holds promise for future initiatives in understanding, researching, and supporting the deaf community.



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