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Hall, Percival, "Sixty-First Annual Report of the Columbia Institution for the Deaf to the Secretary of the Interior for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1918" (1918). Annual Reports. 61.
Appendix A contains a catalogue of students by states for Gallaudet college and the Kendall School. Appendix B contains a list of the faculty and officers of Gallaudet College, the department of articulation and normal instruction, the faculty and officers of the Kendall School, and the domestic department as well as a list of students admitted for the 1918 to 1919 year. Appendix C lists the regulations. Appendix D notes remarks made at the dedication of the new Dormitory for College Women. Appendix E is an address from Robert Patterson on Presentation Day. Appendix F is an address of Dr. David Jayne Hill on Presentation Day. Appendix G contains announcements written by President Percival Hall nothing the deaths of Edward Miner Gallaudet and Amos G. Draper.