Date of Award
Spring 5-1-1994
Document Type
First Advisor
Russell C. Olson
Second Advisor
Mary C. Malzkuhn
American Sign Language is not English, but many deaf Americans use it as their primary language; some their only language. Federal and most state. Statutes which establish juror qualifications have English language requirements. This thesis will explain how those requirements are contradictory when applied to a deaf juror who would require American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation during service as a juror, and propose that it would be in the best interests of the judicial system to recognize those contradictions and address the problem. Legislative history does not offer a clear answer, and the issue is sufficiently in doubt that legislative clarification is necessary. Note: Summary pulled from introduction.
Recommended Citation
Jims, Jean T., "ASL? Language Foreign Me? Homeborn: Conflicts between Juror Laws and American Sign Language Interpretation for a Deaf Juror: An Unrecognized Problem" (1994). Undergraduate University Honors Capstones. 114.